A long journey is close to the end, our research note on exogenous shocks and BPM got accepted at BISE. A pre-print is available here. Thank you very much to the collaborators, especially Max, Vincent, and Georgi!
New Article on Public Perception of RPA
We have just published a new article on how the public perception of Robotic Process Automation developed over time. Analyzing over 95,000 news articles, we demonstrate that RPA is perceived as a mature technology that has passed a hype without a large dip in expectations and derive five potential avenues for future research.
New Award

A teaching course from the last semester has won third place in the MINTchallenge of the Stifterverband and was awarded a 2,000 EUR grant. More details:
In December I participated at the International Conference on Information Systems and presented a paper on Robotic Process Automation.
New Publication
We have just published the article “Automation at scale: The benefits for payers” within an evolving series on Digital at Payers on mckinsey.com.
Job offering
We are currently looking for a Research Assistant in the field of Information Systems. You can find more information here.
Under development
Welcome to my new homepage. It is currently under development.